Saturday, January 9, 2010

The First of Many, I Suppose

Writer Robert A. Heinlein once said "Sex without love is merely healthy exercise." I'm here to say that I agree with him. Sure, STI's and the fear of getting knocked up doesn't make it entirely "healthy", but nonetheless, unattached sex is perfectly fine with me. The trick is getting sane, healthy men to have sex with.
My name is Isabella, though I go by Bella most of the time. This is my first post, so I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. I don't look like a model - I have a waist and breasts (and cauliflower thighs and a watermelon belly and a pear for a body, but I digress...). On the flip side though, I'm pretty comfortable with my body. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder, right? Like everyone, I'm trying to lose weight, but that's so I can get to a healthy weight, not solely so I can look like Penélope Cruz.
  The downside of being Bella Laurent (that will be the 1st and last time I refer to myself in the third person, I promise) is that I fall into lust ALL THE TIME. It must be my raging hormones, but my entire life I've always wanted to sleep with men. The truth is though, that I haven't slept with anyone since August.
My latest crush? A guitarist. Ugh, I know. I slept with a guitarist once and though he wasn't as confident in himself as the stereotypical guitarist is, he did have that ego still. What makes this particular guitarist worse (my new crush) is that he's a bartender as well. Not only is he used to every woman and their mother flinging themselves at him since he's a guitarist, but he's also used to every woman and their mother flinging themselves at him because he's a bartender.
Maybe the two will cancel each other out?


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